Navigator Program - Anglicare
Getting back to education. Anglicare Victoria (Navigator Teams) engage with the young people, their families/carers, support services and education providers, supporting them to work in partnership towards a common goal of educational re-engagement. Navigator is available to young people aged 12 to 17 years, have attended less than 30% of the previous school term or equivalent (if enrolled in a school). Navigator supports Young people throughout the Wimmera South West with Case managers based in Horsham, Hamilton, Portland and Warrnambool.
Navigator supports Young people throughout the Wimmera South West with Case managers based in Horsham, Hamilton, Portland and Warrnambool.
Phone number
Kate Milne: Case Manager, Navigator Phone: 0457 048 199
Matthew Martin: Team Leader, Phone: 0457 127 824
Web address
Social media/email
Days of local operation
Mon-Fri 9-5